Featured – AiiotTalk – Artificial Intelligence | Robotics | Technology https://www.aiiottalk.com Tue, 08 Aug 2023 16:53:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.6.14 https://www.aiiottalk.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/cropped-AIIOT2028229-01-3-32x32.jpg Featured – AiiotTalk – Artificial Intelligence | Robotics | Technology https://www.aiiottalk.com 32 32 Generative AI is Set to Revolutionize the Automotive Industry https://www.aiiottalk.com/generative-ai-set-to-revolutionize-automotive-industry/ https://www.aiiottalk.com/generative-ai-set-to-revolutionize-automotive-industry/#respond Tue, 08 Aug 2023 16:50:39 +0000 https://www.aiiottalk.com/?p=19200 We’re on the brink of a generative AI revolution that spans countless industries. For an automotive ecosystem that’s ripe for…

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We’re on the brink of a generative AI revolution that spans countless industries. For an automotive ecosystem that’s ripe for innovation, we’re likely to see generative AI play a key role in the development of new products and services designed to enhance the driving experience. 

The impact that generative AI is set to have on the automotive industry cannot be overstated. Market forecasts suggest that the generative AI in the automotive market size is expected to swell to around $2.105 billion by 2032, up from $271m in 2022 and growing at a CAGR of 23.4%.

But what actually is generative AI? The term generative AI stems from the ability of artificial technology to produce different forms of content, such as text, images, audio, and just about any form of data from a simple set of user prompts. This means that generative AI can use existing data to create something entirely new in order to benefit users. 

But how will this generative AI boom manifest? And what can drivers expect from this brave new frontier in artificial intelligence? Let’s take a deeper look into how generative AI has the power to change the automotive industry for good: 

Refining Autonomous Driving

Crucially, generative AI has the potential to pave the way for a safe rollout of autonomous vehicles (AVs) without putting the public at risk while the technology matures. 

This is because generative AI has the ability to generate images and videos that can be utilized to build true-to-life scenarios whereby autonomous vehicles can learn and adapt to different environments within a controlled setting. 

In order to effectively ‘train’ an autonomous vehicle, it’s important for the AV to tap into vast quantities of sensor data. Generative AI models can help to create synthetic data that are capable of reflecting real-world circumstances to challenge the intelligence of vehicle response systems. 

This can help to remove the necessity of expensive field testing and paves the way for more intuitive algorithms to train the decision-making models of AVs. 

Transforming the In-Car Experience

The in-car experience is set to radically change with the help of generative AI in modern motors. We’re already seeing navigation systems like Waze utilize generative AI to learn from user preferences and traffic conditions to deliver personalized route recommendations in real-time in a measure that help to improve road safety by keeping drivers content and calm. 

Car firms like Mercedes have also sought to explore the potential of mixed reality systems powered by generative AI, which can help to bolster the quality of both navigation and infotainment. 

We could even see a better balance between driving and working through generative AI, as the technology helps to combine calendar and event scheduling services, as well as voice transcription, dictation, and data retrieval to improve productivity when on the go. 

Better Production and Safety

One of the most rewarding use cases for generative AI in the automotive industry is in the realm of design and engineering. Generative AI can help designers and engineers to deliver new concepts, improve their development cycles, and enhance existing designs with the help of intelligent insights. 

In practice, generative AI has the ability to create intelligent 3D models of vehicles based on simple prompts or a series of rudimentary sketches. This can offer an efficient time-saving tool to help designers to build more comprehensive concepts and to visualize their ideas more effectively. 

Crucially, generative AI can also optimize the performance and safety of vehicles by testing a range of different configurations and parameters. This, according to McKinsey data, could help to reduce R&D timelines for automotive parts by up to 20%

The utility of configurations to deliver better road safety can continue long after the vehicle has left the production line. Because of the seamless ability of AI systems to autonomously interpret and act on data, generative AI can pave the way for more intelligent diagnostics systems for cars to offer actionable advice for repair work. 

For instance, if a generative AI system interprets data suggesting that a chip on a windscreen could impact the view of the driver based on metrics surrounding seat height and rear-view mirror positioning, the system could offer windshield replacement cost comparisons for drivers to take cost-effective action. 

Readying for the Next Generation of Motoring

Generative AI is set to revolutionize the automotive industry in a number of ways. This can help to enhance road safety and deliver more personalized experiences for drivers. 

With the value of generative AI in the automotive market value set to surpass $2 billion by 2032, this explosion in machine learning and intelligent insights is set to gather pace sooner rather than later. 

As matters of safety and convenience are prioritized, the arrival of generative AI in the industry is likely to pave the way for a more sustainable industry and a stronger future for the rise of autonomy on the roads. 

Also Read, Leveraging Artificial Intelligence To Reduce Plastic Waste

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How AR Can Be Used to Improve Math Literacy https://www.aiiottalk.com/ar-can-be-used-to-improve-math-literacy/ https://www.aiiottalk.com/ar-can-be-used-to-improve-math-literacy/#respond Tue, 28 Feb 2023 17:01:21 +0000 https://www.aiiottalk.com/?p=19018 Schools that don’t incorporate technology will need to catch up soon. How augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) empower…

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Schools that don’t incorporate technology will need to catch up soon. How augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) empower learners is a never-before-seen revolution in education. It can improve subjects like math, making a once intimidating subject more approachable to learners of all abilities and styles. 

How does AR accomplish these feats to improve math literacy worldwide?

Vary Learning Modalities

Most mathematics education is visual learning with an audible element. Students watch teachers write out the steps to solve an equation as they explain the process. However, this doesn’t attach to every student in the same capacity, especially for students who learn differently. So, how can you incorporate more hands-on and varied learning styles in the classroom in math — the answer is AR.

AR technologies can immerse you in math problems, providing memorable, tactile experiences in a previously two-dimensional learning environment. 

“Instead of forcing students to rely solely on memorization of nebulous concepts, AR can provide students with visualizations and immersion to understand abstract ideas with spatial awareness.” 

Students could manually handle axes on a graph or see how world problems play out with their provided solutions — reattempting if necessary. These technologies destroy barriers for different styles of learners while providing broader accessibility options.

Decrease Mental Resistance

No student is equally motivated or gifted in any given subject. Mathematics is one of the most intimidating subjects, which could incite trouble for STEM employers in the future. Employing AR to make learning more interactive and fun will lower mental friction. AR can instill an attitude shift in learners, mainly if 3D models through AR glasses simplify complex trigonometry by allowing students to manipulate shapes and see changes in angles in real-time.

Adding more technology to the classroom entices learning, especially in tech-dedicated generations. New students are used to engaging with the world through technology, and if that’s absent in the math classroom, they will not feel as willing to participate. AR is one tool to add variety to an otherwise stale curriculum, and it’s only compounded if teachers find other technologies to include to innovate the lessons more.

If the math doesn’t stress out students, they will have an easier time grasping concepts and motivating themselves to try — and possibly challenge their skills.

Prepare Everyone for the Workforce

Every sector will be tech-dominated in the near future — this means math and tech literacy are necessary, whether you’re an artist or scientist. AR is a practical medium that primes students for careers. 

Many students feel the school doesn’t adequately prepare them for working life, and one reason for this might be the absence of modern tech tools in school walls. EdTech’s encouragement of AR could give students accurate simulations for medical residencies and computer programming internships for a more personalized learning environment. 

“AR improves math literacy by revealing a greater sense of urgency to become math and tech proficient — students who want a stable job will persist with math studies because AR tools reflect how workforces operate with new tech.” 

AR reeducates teachers in the same way. Tenured instructors may have fallen into complacency, following the same lesson plans for decades. You could be unfamiliar with what incoming students need to equip themselves for a tech-focused job market. In this way, AR bolsters math literacy twofold — with students and teachers. Educators will inevitably find new ways to apply math that’s more meaningful to learners and their job aspirations because tech innovations reveal new strategies yearly. 

Gamify Education

In an extension to mental resistance, students feel fatigued or frustrated learning math because school isn’t inherently pleasurable or leisurely. 

“However, AR encourages experimentation and exploration with a lens students crave — making math education like a game.” 

AR could make multiplication tables an experience students desire to level up, regardless of how repetitive it can be. AR designers could code software to resemble mobile gaming to make it even more approachable. Math games in AR could be role-playing games with students solving geometric puzzles to enter new realms, or it could be as simple as achieving a high score in a fast-paced quiz game.

A side effect of this technology is promoting healthy competition, and raising morale and camaraderie. Most would assume AR or gaming would be a primarily solitary activity. But, it can stimulate mathematical discussions among students as they discuss improving their game. It expands educational opportunities outside the teacher’s hands, giving more agency to students to form their math literacy in a way that doesn’t feel so formal.

Using AR as Math Motivation

AR could reinvigorate student interest in mathematics. For years, math felt intangible, and now students can visualize equations and witness their impact on everyday life. Programs can act out word problems or present interactive flash cards. No matter the application, you can find ways to expand mathematics education with AR.

Also, Read Future of 3D and Augmented Reality

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Is the Release of ChatGPT AI Going to Affect the Education Industry? https://www.aiiottalk.com/chatgpt-ai-going-to-affect-education-industry/ https://www.aiiottalk.com/chatgpt-ai-going-to-affect-education-industry/#respond Sun, 12 Feb 2023 19:01:04 +0000 https://www.aiiottalk.com/?p=18998 OpenAI’s ChatGPT unlocks a new world of human-chatbot communications, including within the education sector. Everyone is contributing to the bot’s…

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OpenAI’s ChatGPT unlocks a new world of human-chatbot communications, including within the education sector. Everyone is contributing to the bot’s growing conversational abilities, and teachers and students are inventing creative uses that could help and hurt schooling permanently.

It may be too early to tell ChatGPT’s specific effect on education, but teachers are already theorizing, especially since it’s still in the developmental stages. Controversies abound, as with any nascent technology. Here are the most prominent discussions in education today as ChatGPT grows in popularity and the industry faces change.

“Everyone is contributing to the bot’s growing conversational abilities, and teachers and students are inventing creative uses that could help and hurt schooling permanently.” 

Debating for a Ban

ChatGPT is already causing a stir in education. Schools worldwide advocate for the ban of the chatbot in schools and educational-related endeavors. The AI’s advanced employment of natural language processing and conversational comprehension makes it ripe for producing plagiarized content, helping students cheat, or spreading misinformation. Kids studying language have attempted to cheat using Google Translate for as long as it has been around, and there are similar concerns with ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is the most advanced AI of its kind, and its accessibility is the primary consideration. It’s easy to use, and educators and administrators must admit it’s challenging to tell when a typed response is AI-generated or not nowadays — especially when ChatGPT could write entire essays within minutes. The temptation for students seems too alluring, causing teachers to act with an all-or-nothing mentality to maintain the sanctity of education the best they can.

However, not everyone is on the same page. Whereas some educators feel it will encourage cheating and perpetuate distrust between teachers and students, others feel ChatGPT is an educational resource with untapped potential. Widespread societal AI integration is inevitable, so shouldn’t students learn to navigate learning alongside it? Dismissing phenomena like this entirely provides an unrealistic environment, especially for kids going into tech-reliant sectors that will undoubtedly employ AI.

Reconciling Paranoia

Will ChatGPT make assigning homework moot? Adversely, students could question if teachers are grading their work — why couldn’t ChatGPT? 

Questions like this bring another effect of ChatGPT to the surface, and that’s the changing mindset of educators. Teachers’ paranoia surrounding ChatGPT could develop toxic relationships between teachers and students. Educators who assume kids will utilize this tool to cheat feed the mentality that no child is trustworthy or values education. Instructors can act proactively instead, finding ways to overcome the adverse side effects of its capabilities for more positive outcomes.

These sweeping, unrealistic mindsets cannot permeate education. Otherwise, the system will become complacent and fatalistic rather than embrace the potential of technology. It also eliminates the nuance of learning. ChatGPT could help write essays, but it’s a leap to say it could replace every facet of literary education. It doesn’t train students to empathize with the reading audience or how to feel inspired.

“Teachers’ paranoia surrounding ChatGPT could develop toxic relationships between teachers and students.” 

Ultimately, ChatGPT affects education by making students and teachers question the value of their efforts. So long as humanity inherently values learning, there will always be a need for traditional education alongside evolving tech, regardless of ChatGPT’s potential. Plus, it could help students and teachers equally.

Teaching With ChatGPT

History proves that banning tempting products never ends well and leads to more rebellious behavior. Keeping students from using the tool in school buildings doesn’t prevent home usage or the desire to use it in the first place. Therefore, a ban probably isn’t the answer for those in the opposition. Instead, educators should find helpful ways to show the tool’s capabilities that spur creativity and critical thinking.

Teachers could try experimenting with the tool themselves to see how they could innovate lesson plans using ChatGPT. Instructors bored with their decades-old lessons can look to ChatGPT to modernize. AI could also help teachers navigate complex individualized education plans (IEPs) that promote competency-based education for nontraditional learners, such as students with disabilities.

“Educators should find helpful ways to show the tool’s capabilities that spur creativity and critical thinking.” 

An Oregon high school teacher made students use ChatGPT to create outlines for English essays for literary analysis. Then the students wrote them manually. The variances made each response unique and challenged kids to perceive the stories in innovative ways. Students who created their own outlines had fewer original ideas or opportunities to test their reading skills as they attempted to make connections and find evidence.

Teachers can also encourage students to use ChatGPT as a tutoring resource. Kids could ask it for definitions or to re-explain complex concepts as they do their homework. These are examples of how instructors could instill moral values in students by interacting with technology to benefit their education instead of using it to cheat.

AI’s Entrance to Education

Students are using ChatGPT to cheat and teachers are finding ways to use it to make lesson plans. The versatility of this tool is unmatched, yet educational systems must adapt to sustain healthy relationships with technology and learners. 

Engagement with these complex, ethical ideas will create a more nourishing educational environment and prepare teachers for the inevitable adverse repercussions. At least there will have been considerable thought on navigating these technological waters as conversational AI becomes the norm.

Also, Read Using Generative AI for Educational Purposes

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Applications of AI Technology In Automotive Industry https://www.aiiottalk.com/ai-technology-automotive-industry/ https://www.aiiottalk.com/ai-technology-automotive-industry/#respond Fri, 26 Nov 2021 15:35:54 +0000 https://www.aiiottalk.com/?p=18506 Digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are revolutionizing the traditional processes of businesses across diverse…

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Digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are revolutionizing the traditional processes of businesses across diverse industries. Moreover, with the availability of massive data and intelligent algorithms, AI technology is more wisely replacing human thinking ability with machine control and renovating the way people connect and interact with objects around them.  

AI technology with a blend of cloud computing, computer vision, deep neural networks, and Natural Language Processing (NLP) is playing a vital role in transforming the automotive industry and fueling its growth ever like before.  

Though AI technology is stretching its power across various industries, its revolution in the automotive industry is a hot topic in the market right now.

“Self-driving cars or autonomous vehicles are the best innovations of AI technology.” 

With the integration of capabilities of AI and Internet-of-Things (IoT) enabled sensors, including cameras, radar detectors, and LIDAR, today, self-driving cars can travel source to destinations without the assistance of a human driver. Thanks to such advancements in autonomous technology. 

A Green Signal For AI In Automobile Industry Is Every Where

Leveraging the power of built-in AI and ML-based object detection algorithms, driverless vehicles can collect data from built-in three significant sensors, identify objects in front of them, and make the perfect decisions while driving on the roads. Such intelligent analysis and the power of interpreting situations in real-time can prevent accidents and ensure safety when navigating on roads.

These advanced features and automation in driving are the major drivers for self-driving cars demand, especially in the United States of America, Japan, and Germany-like countries. The opportunities of self-driving cars in these markets were attracting sizeable investments and encouraging further growth in the autonomous vehicles market worldwide.        

A Proof For Rapid Growth Of AI Technology In Automotive

According to Statista research reports, we found that the market size of the driverless cars industry is projected continuous growth in the past few years. The market value of self-driving vehicles is forecasted to grow from nearly USD 106 billion in 2021 to USD 400 billion by 2025. 

The above figure represents the future scope of the autonomous vehicles industry worldwide. However, the internationalization of AI-powered for self-driving vehicles manufacturing is an issue and hampering the growth of driverless automobiles across the world. Self-driving cars need to be programmed in a way that they should obey the traffic rules and regulations of countries where they launched. But, Geo-fencing is the best option to localize or internationalize self-driving vehicles in countries when their traffic rules are different from the programmed ones.

Along with self-driving cars, on the other side of the coin, AI technology is also adopting by automotive companies to bring automation across the design, production, and supply-chain operations. Further, the role of AI technology in the automobile sector is also widely accepted for the development of driver assistance, risk tracking and assessment, and insurance claiming systems.

Let’s have a look at other significant AI applications in the Automotive Industry.

Applications Of AI Technology In The Automotive Technology

AI For Automotive Manufacturing

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is one of the most used AI technology by automotive manufacturers. Automobile companies are increasingly launching AI-powered robots across production units for streamlining manufacturing operations and ensuring high productivity.

From design and production to inventory management, supply chain, and post-production services, AI-powered robots will play a vital role in the auto-manufacturing industry in the years ahead.

AI For Driver Assistance

Besides Autonomous driving, AI technology is stretching its significance in monitoring vehicles performance, assisting drivers, and exploring driving insights by accessing sensor data stored in the cloud. Consequently, a mix of AI and predictive analytics is revolutionizing the automobile industry. 

“Tesla aimed to continuously update its AI software developed for driver assistance and autonomous driving to ensure passenger safety.” 

AI For Predictive Maintenance

AI-powered applications using the data collected by Internet-of-Things (IoT)-enabled sensors can predict the performance of various vehicle batteries and engines. Such insights would help the driver to know the vehicle condition and reduce the high maintenance costs.  

AI For Insurance Claiming

Once upon a time, I faced difficulty in claiming vehicle insurance. From approaching insurance providers, submitting documents and photos of damaged vehicle parts to verification and availing coverage is all a long and tiresome process.

But, with the evolution of AI technology, everything has become simple, digital, and hassle-free. AI-powered virtual or digital insurance apps help customers upload all documents and get avail insurance in minutes.  

Market Share Of AI by Application Type by 2020 to 2030

Based on the research reports on the autonomous vehicle market, we have found a few thought-provoking things about the share of AI technology by application type from 2020 to 2030.

Wrapping Up

Though the challenges in manufacturing self-driving vehicles exist, the evolution and usage of AI and ML in the automotive industry are incredible. The automotive industry has already observed advancements in autonomous vehicle manufacturing operations from the world’s top electric vehicle manufacturers like Tesla and Waymo.    

Hence, the popularity of AI in the automotive industry, specifically for self-driving cars, is expected to surge in the years ahead with multiple growth-reflecting factors such as reducing the burden of driving, automated traffic-free routing, personalized accessibility, accuracy in detecting objects, and finding safe routes.  

Also, Read How Artificial Intelligence Is Altering the Health Care Industry

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Augmented Reality: Why Businesses Need AR Strategy https://www.aiiottalk.com/why-businesses-need-ar-strategy/ https://www.aiiottalk.com/why-businesses-need-ar-strategy/#respond Wed, 27 Oct 2021 15:21:49 +0000 https://www.aiiottalk.com/?p=18473 As we all know, the internet is a huge collection of essential data and information, available to us anytime, anywhere.…

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As we all know, the internet is a huge collection of essential data and information, available to us anytime, anywhere. One of the major setbacks is that all these data and insights are trapped inside a two-dimensional screen or website.

This significantly limits the kind of interaction that we can have with these data. In other words, the 2D inclination prevents us from completely exploiting the volumes of information now available to us. To overcome such challenges, there is an innovative technology called Augmented reality (AR).

“It is a set of technologies that brings digital objects from the internet to physical or real-life environments.” 

In fact, most of us are actually quite familiar with AR technology because of prominent mobile games such as PokemonGO and similar apps.

The global Augmented Reality Market size stood at USD 4.16 Billion in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 6.12 Billion by 2021, exhibiting at a CAGR of 48.6% in the forecast period

Even social media giants such as Facebook and Snapchat have introduced AR into their platforms through filters. But the truth is, apart from entertainment applications AR can be applied in far more consequential ways for businesses as well.

The success of such immersive experiences in entertainment shows how well AR has been fully embraced by the people. It has made this technology very much familiar to people and has become a huge part of their day-to-day lives. This shows that even businesses can reach out to their consumers through this platform and do not have to think twice about whether the people will embrace it or not.

With an unparalleled level of interaction, Augmented Reality surpasses every other technological innovation. Now let us learn more about AR in businesses. 

The Importance of AR in Businesses

Much similar to the entertainment industry, businesses are also constantly looking for opportunities to enhance operations and unveil new strategies to engage with customers. Prominent organizations all across the globe have already implemented AR in the business life cycle.

Augmented Reality has shown utmost potential in everything from product development and manufacturing to logistics and brand marketing or customer service.

Organizations that have implemented such innovative technology with a combination of artificial intelligence are seeing major gains in quality and productivity. It has helped businesses to improve how users view their products, visualize information, receive and follow instructions, and interact with services or solutions. 

Here’s Why Businesses Need AR Technology

1. Your customers can discover the right product.

Ever since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, digital shopping, and e-commerce sites have skyrocketed in terms of daily usage. Customers have long abandoned the traditional method of brick and mortar shopping and are convenient with online or digital shopping.

Organizations that we’re unable to keep up with this change in customer demands were severely challenged with going out of business. Therefore, nowadays most brands are trying to make online shopping a seamless experience for their customers. 

Even though customers cannot see the physical product as they used to in a shopping mall or retail store, AR can give them a similar experience in the digital world. AR technology can offer the three-dimensional image of the physical object in a virtual world thus entirely transforming the shopping experience.

Especially brands that deal with items such as clothes, eyewear, jewellery, and more can help customers with the Try-on concept. By leveraging AR mobile applications, customers can overlay items onto an image of themselves online. Or with the help of the smartphone camera, the users can check the select furniture and analyze accurately if it fit their living room spaces.

2. Helps travel and hospitality sectors

The pandemic has significantly affected the travel and hospitality sector like never before. Though flights and transport have resumed operations in several parts of the world, travelling in groups is still restricted. This has considerably restricted the luxury of travel for solo travellers or backpackers. 

Also taking the help of a guide has been therefore limited not considering the huge amount of money guides charge for taking you places. This is no longer a challenge as AR applications in mobile phones are capable of identifying street names, maps accurate directions, etc with the help of mobile cameras. These AR applications even provide a virtual guide for tourists to show them the different locations and also interact with them in the language they understand. 

3. AR with Object Recognition offers new Possibilities.

Several product manufacturing companies and industries have leveraged AR to identify errors or issues with their products. Along with Deep learning capabilities and smart defect detection, AR can seamlessly analyze a product and list out all the issues in the virtual world. This accurate and precise data from the virtual world is essential to transform the product in the real world into a much effective, efficient product. 

Even the entire product documentation can be offered through AR technology nowadays thus eliminating paper or written catalogues. Customers who purchased a product can log in to its AR application, scan the product and get detailed information on how to use the product. It provides the users with a convenient way to recognize objects, then utilizes easy information from the internet, rather than reading pages of documented white paper or catalogues. 

This AR strategy can be employed by a small electronic retail shop or even a large automobile manufacturing company, to provide detailed information about their vehicles. It is also more fun for the users as it provides a more immersive and entertaining experience that enhances customer services and user satisfaction. 


Augmented and immersive technologies not only attract people but also help automate several strategies that people thought were impossible. It helps doctors perform remote surgeries, help customers understand any product or service. It helps industries and product manufacturers in letting consumers explore or interact more with the people and products to make better decisions. 

Such innovative technologies will impact our lives at a greater pace, therefore businesses must think ahead and find ways to implement AR, VR, AI services and ML in improving their business efficiency.

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Usage of Artificial Intelligence For Customer Behavior Analysis https://www.aiiottalk.com/usage-of-ai-for-customer-behavior-analysis/ https://www.aiiottalk.com/usage-of-ai-for-customer-behavior-analysis/#respond Thu, 24 Jun 2021 11:25:31 +0000 https://www.aiiottalk.com/?p=18294 The world is getting revolutionized with the impact of technologies like Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. These digital technologies have…

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The world is getting revolutionized with the impact of technologies like Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. These digital technologies have impacted various sectors and became valuable to humankind. 

Artificial intelligence is the technology that has created a revolution in the business sector by offering advanced solutions and tactics for the effective growth of the business. Business people are keen on applying such digital solutions where they can take advantage of AI. They are getting digitally equipped by having an online platform through which they can run a business online as well as take advantage of AI and other such technologies. 

“The fascination of AI has been disrupting the business sector like never before and rightly so because of the wings it offers to them to fly.” 

In recent times, from small businesses to large scale, everyone is introducing digitization to their business to go on the digital floors. The online business concept has been a crucial turnaround in the business sector and elevated the business scope. Whether it is small grocers who build grocery apps to serve their audiences online or the supermarkets that run business digitally and advancing their consumer service, all of them are taking healthy advantage of digital solutions. 

The adoption of digital solutions opens up the doors of innovation for business people to grow their business with concepts like AI. Artificial intelligence is the latest trend which business people are focusing on, and the variations it offers are impeccable. 

One of the outstanding uses of AI in the business world is customer service. It can be a very valuable integration because it is the concept that can be used for key analysis on customer behaviour and offering an outstanding experience to consumers. 

AI In Customer Behaviour Analysis

If you want to succeed in the business world, you need to acknowledge your customers and target audiences well enough. The more you know about them, the more you have a chance to succeed, and that is because you will be able to offer better service to them as you already have insights about them. 

“The integration of AI gives the liberty of customer behaviour analysis to the business model, which can be very helpful for the growth of the business. “

Businesspeople used to do customer behaviour analysis before, but previously due to lack of technologies, it was way more time-consuming. With concepts like Artificial intelligence, things have become more accessible. It is the concept that helps in analyzing the customer behaviour deeply so that you can take proper actions to offer amazing services to customers and eventually reduce the churn rate. 

Aspects Of Customer Behaviour Analysis With AI

Customer behaviour analysis can be a better sight for achieving business growth, and to comfortably execute it AI is there for you. Businesses need to deal with customer expectations, preferences, satisfaction, wishes, etc., and if they succeed in this, the customers will be happy. Loyal and retained customers are most likely to come back to spend and purchase more, and thus, intelligent analysis is required to clear all the aspects in offering the best service.

Understanding Purchasing Habits

Artificial intelligence will allow business people to know and understand the purchasing habits of potential or current customers. AI records all the points of interaction with customers for deep analysis and extracting the best meaningful outcome from it. Artificial intelligence analyses the customer’s purchase habits by having records of data that has been collected. 

Knowing Customer Expectations

Fulfilling customer expectations is very important in the business world. If you understand what customers are expecting in terms of product quality, quantity, tastes, use, prices, etc., and you are successfully delivering it to them. In that case, that is the best thing happening to your business. AI-powered businesses have the advantage of understanding customer expectations through various customer behaviour analyses. 

Forecasting Customer Needs

Forecasting customer needs can be very advantageous, and artificial intelligence is here for you to analyze customers’ future needs. Different customers have their individual requirements, and with AI, personalized approaches can be provided. The analysis of customer behaviour will allow them to forecast the needs of customers, and it will help in recommending the products and services in advance, which will be very effective in increasing sales. 

How AI Does Customer Behaviour Analysis?

Artificial intelligence is the technology that records information about customers’ sentiments when they surf the internet world. AI collects the requisite information and extracts meaningful insight from it, which helps understand customer behaviour through analysis. The insights like buying preferences and frequencies are revealed with the help of Artificial intelligence. 

Reduction In Churn Rate With AI

The customer behaviour analysis will elevate the customer experiences as business people will take some actions depending on the output of the analysis. The churn rate is something that business people need to reduce to grow their business. Artificial intelligence will help business people to improve their churn rate because of customer behaviour analysis. 

  • Empower business as AI drives better customer service
  • Greater customer experience by understanding customer behaviour.
  • Hence, betterment in customer service will reduce the churn rate.

Due to the analysis, the businesses will be able to offer better experiences to customers by improving customer service. The betterment in the customer service will have a good impact on the business model, and customers are likely to enjoy it, which will increase customer retention. Thus, businesses will not lose customers, and their churn rate will not be reduced. 

Cultural Shift In Business World Must Occur

The business sector is still in the initial stage of integrating such advanced technologies as Artificial intelligence. According to Forbes, only 23% of current business respondents use AI for running their business. Business people need to understand the importance of AI and other such technologies. That is how the cultural shift in the business sector will happen, which will have more room for advanced technologies. 

The main reason behind business people not actively supporting integrating the technologies is the realization of their importance. Another important reason is that they believe in hype that these technological solutions are very complex. If the efforts are put in integrating such, it offers a great outcome for them. Thus, the realization of the importance will lead the path of the cultural shift in the business sector. 

“The technological shift in the business sector will open new doors of innovation and discover the new path of success” 

Artificial intelligence can create a crucial turnaround in the entire sector because of its verticals. Customer behavior analysis being the most advantageous factor of integrating AI in the retail sector. Thus, the scope of AI in business is wide and fruitful. 

Final Words

The use of AI in customer behaviour analysis will greatly impact the ventures and give it better scope for succeeding. The analytical solutions it offers are outstanding. There are major benefits to the business if they are able to understand and predict their customers’ behaviour regarding their products and services. 

The current industry giants are already using AI and have great benefits in getting popularity. The rise in overall business standards is the excellent advantage of integrating technology solutions. Thus, with time and room, AI will continue to disrupt the commercial sector with its wings.

                                                                — Brijesh is the tech activist, blogger, and internet marketing officer of Elluminati Inc

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All You Need to Know About AI Development https://www.aiiottalk.com/all-you-need-to-know-about-ai-development/ https://www.aiiottalk.com/all-you-need-to-know-about-ai-development/#respond Tue, 06 Apr 2021 14:11:31 +0000 https://www.aiiottalk.com/?p=18076 Nowadays, we can see Artificial intelligence is integrated with every product and service we use in our daily life. AI…

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Nowadays, we can see Artificial intelligence is integrated with every product and service we use in our daily life. AI has become an integral part of our life.  From our music and video playlist or collection, it utilizes our preferences and suggests things according to our activities. 

“It is an advanced technology that helps and educates us about the things that will come in the future such as drone cameras to autonomous cars. AI is transforming our lives. .” 

Artificial intelligence is the most trading topic currently in the software world. It doesn’t matter how long you are in the AI sector and field or you are new in this field. Maybe you are coming from an entirely different field to programming. 

AI allows you to solve most challenging  problems that are outside the boundaries of the process.

Brief History About Artificial Intelligence

The idea came out when a Catalan poet Ramon published his book in the past 14th-15th century (The Ultimate General Art). He wrote that reasoning could be artificially applied to machines. 

He further discussed in his book about incorporating the idea to create new information or knowledge. On the other side, he also mentions the way of creating new knowledge. He writes it can be done by using paper-based mechanical resources. 

For decades many other philosophers and mathematicians have entirely molded the idea of artificially intelligent machines with their several different concepts.  But the field gets fame in 1950 when an English Mathematician Alan Turing published his article regarding computing Machinery and intelligence. 

With the simple and straightforward idea can machines think?

The word “Artificial Intelligence” was invented by John McCarthy in late 1956 at a reach project on AI. A conference by two big names Marvin and McCarthy. 

Whereas the session fell short of McCarthy’s hopes. The concept was approved, and the development starts incredibly as never before.

The Definition Of AI?

AI or Artificial Intelligence looks like an umbrella that represents a variety of practices that enable machines to copy human intelligence. When a human being thinks about anything, they feel or sense and get an idea of what is happening in their surroundings. 

Humans have the ability to understand what these inputs indicate; humans will sense every point and fact then make a final decision.  After the decision, they act accordingly. AI is not that capable now of copying all these human behaviors. AI just started now. It needs time to get there.

Elements Of Artificial Intelligence

When we talk about the term AI, it looks easy to debate and understand. But when we think of AI as an idea, it can be exciting.  Mainly when you just started working on it. To understand AI better, let’s learn about its components which convert the technology into reality.

The Machine Learning

it is an app of AI that provides computers the capability to understand and enhance from experience. You can do it sans of being programmed. 

Machine Learning is able to evaluate data identifying trends, and making forecasts. These systems are created to enhance by understanding and adapting new data sets disclose to them constantly. 

The spam filtering system in your email account is the perfect example of Machine Learning.

Deep Learning (DL)

DL is a part of Machine learning. Deep Learning uses Artificial neural systems that allow machines or devices to learn through processing information or data.  It aids machines in solving complex and challenging tasks even if the information or data sets are offered unstructured and varied. 

The learning procedure works by adjusting the algorithms’ activities that rely on a constant feedback loop. 

Every single correct action system gets a reward while at the same time the system gets penalized for the wrongdoing. The system always tries to upgrade the activities to get maximum rewards. 

Artificial Neural Network Systems (ANN)

It is an element of AI. It is developed to simulate the human brain to analyze in which way a human evaluates and processes data, knowledge, and information. Artificial Neural Network provides Artificial Intelligence with a self-learning ability, and it could also be considered as the base of the same technology.

ANN is developed to copy the biological neural systems of humans. The artificial component of neurons. The essential components of the human brain are perceptions. A lot of perceptions are put together to make an artificial neural network.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural language processing is the type of AI that enables machines to learn, read, and produce or copy human language. 

Several Voice Assistants (VA) utilize NLP. All of us are well aware that computers use multiple languages for communication, like low-level and machine language. The language that is designed in ones and zeros is quite complex and difficult for humans to decode or understand it. In the same way, computers also face challenges in understanding human languages.

NLP is developed with intelligent algorithms that have the ability to convert unorganized data (language) into a simple and easy way that computers can understand. 

Computer Vision (CV)

Computer Vision is a branch of computer science that ultimate goal is to replicate the human vision (Seeing) system. 

That idea will allow the machine to see and get understandings of content, information, data, and knowledge from images and videos. With the developments in Deep Learning, the field of Computer Vision are effective in breaking free from their previous (barriers) hurdles.  CV awarded image recognition ability to machines to sense and label items. Computer Vision is an essential element that made it easy for engineers to manufacture self-driven cars. 

With the help of CV, these cars are able to see the road lane markings. Road signs and other related things to automobiles and drive safely without any hassle and sans of hitting anything.  The auto-tagging option in google photos is also an example of Computer Vision. This feature is designed in this way that this feature can sort photos based on different things like the place of photo capture.

Photo of car, pet, or food this feature places all these photos according to the albums. Let’s have another example.  For instance, you like to take your cat’s photos daily. The application will place all your cats’ pictures in a dedicated album automatically.  

The Basic Difference Between Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Machine Learning (ML)?

Machine Learning is a part of Artificial Intelligence that refers to a machine’s capability to think and operate sans of being externally programmed. 

Conventional devices are designed with a set of rules to act. Then it takes the approaches of if-then-else reports. On the other hand, it allows machines to think about how to act or behave depending on the data they use. 

Apps Of Artificial Intelligence

In this ever-changing technology world, we interact daily with Artificial Intelligence systems, but even that we are unaware of it.  To know about AI’s usage in our daily lives, let’s focus on these Artificial Intelligence apps. 


These chatbots are software apps for AI. Chatbots have the ability to simulate the chat with users. This simulation chat is done by the NLP.  Most of us have come across it when we use the internet or looking for something online. Websites use this AI software app as a customer’s support.

Voice Assistants

Many of us are familiar with Google Assistant, Alexa, and Siri. People use these assistants as their alarm when they want to search for something on the internet. For noting their business appointments and in many more way, in 2021 these assistants become part of almost everyone’s life.

Autonomous Cars 

Did you know about Tesla’s Autopilot car feature? It is the best example of Artificial Intelligence.  AI allows autonomous automobiles (Vehicles) to navigate traffic, handle challenging and complex situations, and pass all the hurdles without any hassle.  Yes, this concept is good, but not that much authenticate to trust the autonomous vehicles are yet in their testing stages.

Netflix’s Recommendation System

The best feature of Netflix is that Netflix has the ability to understand user preferences and show content accordingly. 

Netflix uses the watch history. For example, you like watching action movies, Netflix saves your choice in its database, and now Netflix shows you the action movies when you scroll it up next time. 


Currently, ML and AI have become a part of every business. Their understanding is more valuable for everyone nowadays. 

“The general meaning of Artificial Intelligence is to develop a system that have a higher level of capacity and have the ability to think and act like a human in complex and challenging situations.  ” 

The world is shifting towards the second stage of machine intelligence. Artificial Intelligence and its subsets have given us many benefits.  The big market-leading companies such as Starbucks, Google, General Electric, and Microsoft are taking advantage of this technology with less advancement in this. 

Several companies are investing significant resources in Artificial Intelligence developments. By seeing this all, we can say that it can soon become a part of small companies. 

Aman Khan an author who love to explore stuff and resources related to emerging technologies works at cubix

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The Future of 3D and Augmented Reality https://www.aiiottalk.com/future-of-3d-and-augmented-reality/ https://www.aiiottalk.com/future-of-3d-and-augmented-reality/#respond Sat, 20 Jun 2020 17:17:24 +0000 http://www.aiiottalk.com/?p=6897 The Future of Augmented Reality Augmented reality has not yet been easy to adapt to the consumer since it began…

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The Future of Augmented Reality

Augmented reality has not yet been easy to adapt to the consumer since it began to become popular among society. It is a technology that allows you to visualize part of the real world through a technological device that adds visual information. However, despite the understanding of its use among users, until today, this technology has not fully penetrated society, which is still reluctant to buy devices with these characteristics.

“However, the next technological innovations that are waiting for us in 2021 indicate that this situation can be reversed and that finally, augmented reality may find its place in the market.”

Backed by ambitious mobile phone operators, augmented reality hardware will soon be available in stores with new smartphones and in an even more integrated way. Also, consumer virtual reality software will continue to evolve. Companies will continue to work to unlock augmented reality from physical connections to phones and computers, moving to use Wi-Fi and connections to phones using 5G technology.

Below, we point out some of the most excellent news that virtual reality will bring us in the coming year 2021, and that will be incorporated into the market. There are many companies present in the market now like such CGTrader which offers 3D product visualization services. You can benefit a lot with these services and these technologies in the future

Nreal Virtual Reality Glasses

Leading tech experts predict that in about a decade, people will access augmented reality functionality through lightweight glasses rather than through mobile phone screens. That is why some companies are already working on this aspect for next year.

This is the case of the Nreal company, which has created the first mixed reality glasses with a “comfortable and light” design. Called Nreal Light, the glasses use multiple spatial tracking cameras and 1080p screens to increase the real world’s vision with digital content. The company has already made agreements with other companies such as China Unicom, Deutsche Telekom, and KDDI in Japan to start distributing the glasses from next year.

Until now, Nreal’s glasses have the opportunity to offer users an approach to augmented reality technology faster than any other device created to date. It is unknown if any other company will act as a direct competitor to Nreal, but Qualcomm’s XR Viewer program has already left several clues that Nreal will not be the only compatible Android provider, although this data will not be fully known until CES in January.

“Facebook also suggested that it is working on a consumer augmented reality handheld device, although it won’t be available for a few years. On the other hand, Apple’s plans remain ambiguous in this regard.”

Augmented Reality Software For Consumers

After the launch of Pokémon Go, a three-million-dollar grant, the game remains the biggest success story in the virtual reality industry. The same is being achieved by other applications that integrate virtual reality into their services, as is the case, for example, with Snapchat or Instagram filters. P MALL applications that are making a big step towards the actual future of this technology.

That is why, throughout 2021 we will see many applications for portable devices such as Neal glasses or numerous applications that integrate augmented reality, from which it can be accessed through smartphones or tablets.

Wireless Augmented Reality: Wi-Fi and 5G technology

Some companies like Qualcomm, Apple, and other companies involved in smartphone-based augmented reality solutions will be struggling with wireless technologies that they will use instead of cables. This breakthrough will likely come throughout 2021 and 2022, as current technologies aren’t able to squeeze the entire processing out of a smartphone.

It is intended to connect this augmented reality technology wirelessly to nearby smartphones, computers, or directly to the cloud. At the moment, it is unlikely that we will see this progress throughout the next year 2021, but perhaps if we can see some premature demonstrations a little later.

Many advances are reminiscent of how augmented reality technology is still in its early stages of development and hinting that it still has a lot of evolution ahead for which we will even have to wait sometimes.

The Future of 3D Printing: 

Like how the World Wide Web democratized news, education, and entertainment, 3D printing has the potential to democratize certain goods manufacturing.

It’s not always what you thought.

You probably read the title and expected a nerdy listicle about the cool 3D printing technologies of the future — a list of 3D printed organs, human augmentation, and life-size homes squirted from a nozzle, without any doubt.

But that article is not what you might expect at first. Here we aim to explore the higher-level impact of advances in 3D printing as it relates to the distribution of manufacturing power rather than innovations at the micro-level.

“The fact is, the most critical feature of potential 3D printing is not a single method or equipment; it’s democratization.”

First, Some Background

Many people don’t know that 3D printing has occurred since the late 20th century, with stereolithography discovered by Charles “Chuck” Hull in 1984. But for years, barely anybody heard about it, since it shuttered the science behind patents. When those patents expired, 3D printing technology was accessible to more people, and the 3D printing community of consumers was born. Another modest breakthrough called the Internet was to help it expand its wings.

While certain types of 3D printing remain stable in the specialized manufacturing environment, most of it has been available to the typical user. For example, SLA also has a role in pro-grade production — for instance, Carbon3D ‘s proprietary CLIP technology is an SLA descendant — but it has also found its way into commercial machines such as Type 2.

What is that show? As for other development, over time, more and more people follow 3D printing. The traditional “adoption lifecycle” has already begun, and is now approaching the “early adopters” process of digital 3D printing.

Decoded: Democratization

As more and more people have access to technology, the power to impact 3D printing is becoming increasingly higher. Look no further than the RepRap movement: One person gained access and decided to make a repressible printer that would quickly spread thousands of accesses. Anyone can purchase Amazon’s 3D printer, a ground-breaking move for the business as a whole. That’s democratization already at work.

Also, Read VR Apps To Enhance Virtual Reality Experience

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How Robotics Improves Education at School https://www.aiiottalk.com/robotics-improves-education-at-school/ https://www.aiiottalk.com/robotics-improves-education-at-school/#respond Thu, 11 Jun 2020 12:03:05 +0000 http://www.aiiottalk.com/?p=6628 Historically, we’ve come a long way since the introduction of “robotics” as a term coined by Isaac Asimov, in addition…

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Historically, we’ve come a long way since the introduction of “robotics” as a term coined by Isaac Asimov, in addition to his Laws of Robotics. Artificial intelligence is present in every facet of our daily lives, from AI-driven personal assistants such as Siri to global search engine algorithms like Google. The field in which we are still wary of introducing robotics lies in education. 

From K-12 to academia, students have grown accustomed to AI tools outside the classroom, however. Should the barrier between robotics and education be eliminated as we move further into 2020? According to Forbes, teachers spend up to 50% of their time on non-teaching tasks that revolve around student management, grading, data analysis and curriculum design.

However, it is expected that up to 47% of learning management tools will be AI-enabled by 2024 with estimated market size of $6 billion.

Such a push toward robotics and AI innovation in education continues to make the process more and more available to teachers willing to advance forward. But, how does robotics improve school education beyond what it can currently offer to young minds? Also, how do we justify the ethical question of introducing digital technologies to K-12 students at an early stage of development?

Students and AI – The Ethical Dilemma

The biggest concern most parents and educators have in regards to robotics and AI in education lies in the ethical dilemma of digital technology adoption. How soon is “too soon” when it comes to presenting a K-12 student with an AI-based system in formal education? As we’ve stated previously, AI already permeates every facet of our life, whether we browse YouTube via its algorithms or look for online shopping deals. Enabling our children to understand these technologies at an early stage will effectively give them the tools to prepare for the future we’re headed towards. 

Introducing a systematic, graduate way of utilizing robotics in a school environment with direct supervision from a tech-savvy teacher really is a necessary step forward. Failing to explain the role of AI to children in a controlled environment risks their unfamiliarity and lack of know-how for the job market of tomorrow. Instead of asking “what can go wrong”, we should take a utopian stance and ask “what can go right” with robotics in classrooms going forward. That being said, what are some of the concrete benefits and improvements brought on by using robotics at school?

“How soon is “too soon” when it comes to presenting a K-12 student with an AI-based system in formal education?”

Inclusive, Per-Student Learning Pace

What separates children from AI lies in their uniqueness as every person is different in their own way. However, this can pose a problem for educators who are often tasked with managing dozens of students at once in equal capacity. Robotics in education can alleviate much of that difficulty by handling tasks that revolve around mechanical and empiric calculations, analysis and extrapolation. 

Teachers of tomorrow are practically handicapped without AI. Given that students often rely on AI without even realizing it during their time with PCs and smartphones, the same expectations translate to their classrooms. Thus, the world in which we find ourselves in practically demands from teachers to adapt curriculums on a per-student basis through smart use of robotics.

Early Technological Literacy

Speaking of K-12 students, their exposure to tablets, smartphones and PCs in household conditions doesn’t necessarily translate to technological literacy. Accessing a game or a YouTube video doesn’t constitute as online browsing via voice commands or using AR to solve logic-based puzzles. 

This is why introducing robotics at an early stage of development, in controlled intervals, can have drastically positive outcomes in terms of tech literacy. Students who are enabled to use technology will have better odds of developing skills in IT and the aforementioned robotics due to positive early influence.

“If applied correctly, robotics can act as a tool to break down prejudice and conflict barriers in classrooms and enable all students to develop equally.”

Emphasis on Creative Problem Solving

One of the main reasons to advocate for robotics in education is to enable children to think differently than before. Specifically, by allowing students to interact with AI-based platforms that challenge their perception and senses, creative thinking can develop more freely than ever before. 

Robotics can enable educators to create product-based exercises that revolve around creation, prototyping, problem solving and presentation of said products under their watchful guidance. Such an approach to robotics in education would teach children to embrace technology as part of their everyday life. For better or worse, the reality is that we already live in a tech-dependent world – let’s teach children to use it in a positive manner.

“Failing to explain the role of AI to children in a controlled environment risks their unfamiliarity and lack of know-how for the job market of tomorrow.”

Teamwork & Leadership Enablement

There is no barrier for entry when it comes to robotics in education from the students’ standpoint. Rivalries, disagreements and conflict can be avoided if AI-based platforms are used to promote teamwork and collective thinking in the classroom. 

Educators can utilize robotics to create team-based tasks and projects which involve multiple distinct aspects, requiring students to pitch in to contribute to the group. Given the nature of robotics, boys can work with girls, children with autism can work with hearing or sight impaired classmates, and so on. If applied correctly, robotics can act as a tool to break down prejudice and conflict barriers in classrooms and enable all students to develop equally.

Tomorrow is Today (Conclusion)

With benefits such as interactive learning, curriculum flexibility and early life skills development, the notion of utilizing robotics in education should be a no brainer. It is essential that we discuss the topic in the present tense, however, as the technology to achieve the aforementioned improvements is already here. 

The discussion isn’t about whether to delegate young minds to AI and call it a day – just the opposite in fact. Professional educators with moral values can use robotics in education to promote prosperity and development with tech as just another tool in their arsenal. Thus, the value of AI for K-12 and academic students alike is unprecedented and should be considered as a next leap forward in educational reform.

Marques Coleman is a blog writer at TrustMyPaper and editor at GrabMyEssay

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Will Machines Become More Artistic Than Humans? https://www.aiiottalk.com/will-machines-become-more-artistic-than-humans/ https://www.aiiottalk.com/will-machines-become-more-artistic-than-humans/#respond Fri, 01 May 2020 06:35:31 +0000 http://www.aiiottalk.com/?p=5117 Artificial Intelligence is starting to find its way into every industry with seemingly unlimited potential. As the field develops, researchers…

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Artificial Intelligence is starting to find its way into every industry with seemingly unlimited potential. As the field develops, researchers and companies, including Google’s DeepMind, are beginning to find ways to mimic human creativity.

Researchers have used deep learning and neural networks in attempts to read people’s dreams and recreate them in video, but what’s just as startling is the ability of some AI machines to ‘dream’. This suggests that AI is showing some sort of creativity without much human input.

Can Machine Learning Write Poems?

Google’s DeepMind is an AI company founded in 2010 at the forefront of creative AI.

“Your tomorrow lie in the sunset’s flower,

Your love should be forgotten in the woods.”

These two lines of the poem were generated by Google’s latest AI project ‘PoemPortraits’. The Artificial Intelligence takes a keyword of your choice, in this case, the keyword was ‘tomorrow’, and generates two lines of poetry. The algorithm used was trained with over 25 million words of nineteenth-century poetry.

“Google’s PoemPortraits AI uses complex statistical methods to create poems..”

It develops complex statistical models to determine what other words might be used based on the word you gave. One of the creators described the algorithm as working ‘a little like the predictive text’. As for the poem, it’s completely open for interpretation.

Can AI Create Paintings and Drawings?

An early example of AI doing this is Harold Cohen’s programme called AARON. The ‘AARON’ project began in 1973, and production has been continuous ever since. AARON can produce abstract art autonomously and in 2014, Harold Cohen was awarded the Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Arts by the ACM SIGGRAPH.

Since Cohen’s work, Google has again found itself at the forefront of this research with one of their partnering projects called DeepDream. If you could describe Google’s DeepDream in one word, it would be psychedelic. Trippy. DeepDream gives some idea to researchers about the inner workings of neural networks, which is what some may dub as the AI’s brain.

“DeepDream taps into an AI’s ability to ‘dream’ to create extremely psychedelic art .”

Nobody understands what happens inside a neural network, just like within the human brain. But AI typically works by interpreting a given input and then using its training and its algorithms to modify it and produce the most accurate output. That being said, an AI will always have an initial interpretation. DeepDream taps into this. Some AI is fed an image and DeepDream distorts the image based on what the AI’s original interpretation was.

Any mistakes that the AI makes when interpreting the image, DeepDream will incorporate that mistake when changing it. So if the AI mistakes a dog’s snoot in an image with an eyeball, DeepDream will recreate the image with the eyeball rather than the dog’s snoot. 

A research paper published in the Schizophrenia Research journal suggests that deep dreaming AI, like DeepDream, can be used as a model for the development of psychosis in humans. The paper then suggests that such AI ‘models can generate testable predictions for psychosis.’

Deep Dream

The image that the AI was given to interpret (left) vs the output of DeepDream (right)

DeepDream is free to use and has some interesting outputs. On the left of the above figure is an image of some landscape that the AI was provided with, on the right shows the output of DeepDream. This shows that AI’s original interpretation of the landscape is strangely different.

“Programs like DeepDream can be used as ‘models’ for the study of psychosis in humans.”

You can also tell the AI what to expect. So when it was told to expect a VanGough painting, its original interpretation of the landscape, as depicted by DeepDream, is something very similar to what VanGough might have drawn himself. This is shown in the figure below.

Deep Dream Landscape

DeepDream’s output of the same landscape when the AI was trained to recognise VanGough paintings

What Does this Tell us about AI Creativity?

AI research has become so close to neuroscience and cognitive research and it’s clear to see why. It can be used to mimic human behaviour, such as in deepfakes, and predict human behaviour in some situations. AI can teach us so much about ourselves.

AI currently relies on statistical methods to try and produce poetry, but DeepDream shows that AI has some underlying artistry. There’s no evidence to suggest that AI expresses any kind of feelings or emotion in its art – which is what makes human art so great, but AI is clearly far more creative than we are ready to give it credit for.

Also, Read Reasons to Learn Machine Learning

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