optimize instagram profile – AiiotTalk – Artificial Intelligence | Robotics | Technology https://www.aiiottalk.com Sun, 14 Mar 2021 16:36:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.6.14 https://www.aiiottalk.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/cropped-AIIOT2028229-01-3-32x32.jpg optimize instagram profile – AiiotTalk – Artificial Intelligence | Robotics | Technology https://www.aiiottalk.com 32 32 Do’s and Don’ts of Making Use of Instagram for Businesses https://www.aiiottalk.com/dos-and-donts-of-making-use-of-instagram-for-businesses/ https://www.aiiottalk.com/dos-and-donts-of-making-use-of-instagram-for-businesses/#respond Fri, 21 Jun 2019 05:50:14 +0000 http://www.aiiottalk.com/?p=1487 If you are of the thought that Instagram is only for sunset and selfies and different shots of a variety…

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If you are of the thought that Instagram is only for sunset and selfies and different shots of a variety of food, it is time to know that you are highly mistaken. The number of people who are joining Instagram is growing with each passing month and currently, almost 85% of the brands have started to adapt to this social platform, as one of the best avenues for reaching the audience, as stated by impactbnd. Therefore, this is definitely the best time for you and your company to get started with this visual platform as it is one of the best marketing platforms for the businesses, irrespective of their size. There are

” Around 1 billion people who use Instagram on a regular basis and hence, this is the ideal place for coming across your target audience. “

However, there are definitely certain do’s and don’ts that you need to have knowledge about when you are using Instagram extensively for your business. Given below is a list of the do’s that you need to consider.

Post regularly

Like the other social networking platforms, if you are interested in building the presence of your brand, it is crucial that you post interesting content almost regularly. If you have an account, which literally has nothing except 3 or 4 posts from 3 months ago, your followers are going to end up leaving your account.

If you ask as to how many numbers of posts you should be posting each day, you need to know that it depends upon what you are interested in saying to your target customers. It is a good idea to post a few updates with meaningful videos and photos in comparison to a large volume of posts, which are not capable of capturing the interest of the audience.

If you’re looking to connect your Instagram account to other applications, check out how to use the Instagram API with PHP.

Interact with the customers

People believe that Instagram has limited features; however, they need to understand that it is not true at all because Instagram has been constantly updating the features since the year 2010. You can also interact with both your present as well as potential customers with the help of likes, comments, direct messaging, or regrams.

A great way in which each and every business can not only generate photos but also interact with their audience is by making use of hashtags. These hashtags can be created; however, they need to be relevant to your brand. These created hashtags can be used by the users for sharing their photos and videos with you. Numerous big brands are making use of this strategy for interacting with their customers and understanding what they are looking forward to getting from the brand.

Make sure that you are involving the customers in content creation

You need to know that there is never going to be any other way of creating engagement in comparison to encourage the customers to help you create content. User-generated content or UGC is considered to be authentic and it is also capable of developing loyalty towards the brand, and hence, it is your duty to make sure that you are capitalizing on it. You have to create unique hashtags and make sure that you are asking the followers to post photographs when they are using a particular product from your brand, and then you have the freedom of posting the ones that you like on Instagram.

When you do this, your fans are going to feel that they are a part of your brand. Also, it will be easier for you to create both engagement and buzz. Moreover, the content that your customers are going to come up with can even help in generating the next grand idea for your brand. This is definitely one of the most important do’s that you have to keep on your mind when you are considering Instagram for business.

Ensure that you are investing in images of high quality that are capable of narrating a story

There is no denying the fact that each and everyone, irrespective of their age, love listening to stories. As a brand, it is your responsibility to understand when and where you can narrate a beautiful story that is going to attract your present and potential customers. Images are considered to be the best ways in which you can tell stories and this is why Instagram is the best place for storytelling.

To make sure that you are effectively narrating your story, you cannot make use of old photos. You have to ensure that they are not only original but also authentic. Instagram is definitely not the best place for your stock photos. It is a good idea to share your Instagram login information with your team members so that they can share photos whenever anything memorable is happening. However, you definitely need to set certain rules and guidelines regarding the kind of images that can and cannot be posted.

You also need to have knowledge about the don’ts of using Instagram for your business and how to optimize the Instagram profile. Any mistake can cost you dearly and hence, you should be extra careful. Given below is a list of the don’ts of using Instagram.

Do not use Instagram only for promotion

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are not over-promoting on any social media network but it is crucial that you maintain extra caution when you are posting on Instagram. It can be extremely tempting to post numerous product photos or even advertisements but it is important that you avoid this temptation.

“ People who are on Instagram are constantly looking out for beautiful and striking images, and not sales pitches.”

If you make use of Instagram advertisements, it is your duty to ensure that the content is directed towards your audience and it feels as natural as possible. Ensure that you are creative and post videos and pictures that users will be interested in engaging with.

Do not post stock or generic photographs

It is obvious that you want your business to maintain a certain level of personality on this visual platform. Make sure that you are not posting generic pictures, which look staged. Make sure that you are showing a certain amount of wild side. Put up pictures, which are capable of showing the personality of your brand along with the office culture.


The way you use Instagram for your business completely depends on you. However, make sure that you are considering the do’s and don’ts that have been mentioned above so that you do not end up making any mistake on Instagram.

Author Bio

Walter Moore is a notable management consultant and digital marketing expert. He is an experienced digital marketer and has helped e-commerce businesses in all niches gain Instagram for business with his effective marketing strategies and guidance.

The post Do’s and Don’ts of Making Use of Instagram for Businesses appeared first on AiiotTalk - Artificial Intelligence | Robotics | Technology.

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Effective Instagram Marketing Tips for Optimizing Your Profile https://www.aiiottalk.com/effective-instagram-marketing-tips-for-optimizing-your-profile/ https://www.aiiottalk.com/effective-instagram-marketing-tips-for-optimizing-your-profile/#respond Tue, 26 Feb 2019 18:14:11 +0000 http://www.aiiottalk.com/?p=521 Ever since Facebook took over Instagram, everyone has witnessed the platform grow more and really more rapidly with the introduction…

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Ever since Facebook took over Instagram, everyone has witnessed the platform grow more and really more rapidly with the introduction of advertising.

As shrewd marketers, most businesspersons have understood and acknowledged the fact that Instagram could be a fantastic way of optimizing User Experience (UX). Here are some really fabulous Instagram marketing tips for optimizing your profile

  • Your Bio Must Represent Your Brand Accurately

Your bio is used as your introduction. If someone is exploring your brand, it is essential to be at your best. You could do so provided your bio is actually consistent and compatible with your precise brand brief. Consider sticking to the specific brand voice. Consider speaking to the target audience.

  • Choose Your Profile Picture Carefully

You must choose your profile picture carefully.  Badly chosen profile pictures look quite sloppy and could compromise the brand’s credibility. Most of the successful and effective brands on Instagram would be using their company logo precisely as the profile picture.  This should be keeping branding consistent.  You may seek the professional services of reputable companies for perfect social media solutions.

  • Do Not Utilize Hashtags in Your Instagram Bio

Your Instagram bio is not supposed to be an over-optimized Tweet that requires adding a few hashtags as a finishing touch. You should not use hashtags in the bio section as they are not supposed to be clickable.

  • Choose a Hashtag for Promotion

Just like a landing page, you must have a well-defined CTA. You may ask people to tag images with a hashtag as that is a CTA on its own. So, you may choose one hashtag that could be used by your audience. If you provide a host of hashtags to your followers, it would culminate in a lot of confusion and complications. There would be unnecessary issues with people trying to choose one hashtag over the others. It is better to keep things under control.

  • Let People Discover Your Content

You may not ask your followers to tag images with Instagram handle rather you could ask them to use a hashtag instead. This would enable others to search the hashtag and discover all the visuals associated with it. If you simply tell your followers to go about tagging images with the Instagram handle, then just that person’s followers and you would be able to have access to the shared picture. You must use hashtags for ensuring discovery.

  • Give Utmost Importance to the Pictures You Share

The visuals you are sharing on Instagram would be creating a brand experience. You must treat this power seriously. Remember every picture you are sharing and every comment you are publishing is actually boosting your brand and helping you grow as a company. Your picture must be compatible with your brand brief.

  • Measure the Effect of Your Instagram Connection

Before we talk about estimating, we need to feature one major no-no: Don’t put a connection in your profile segment in light of the fact that those aren’t interactive. Utilize the assigned URL segments to show and advance your ideal URL.

Since we have that dealt with, how about we talk about following and estimating achievement. To gauge the effect of the connection you share on your Instagram profile, we suggest utilizing Google URL Manufacturer. Fill in the vital fields to make an identifiable connection. When you do as such, the connection Google will release to you will be long. Clearly, we would prefer not to put a long connection with a freely shown following code on Instagram! Rather, abbreviate the connection utilizing bitly and modify the connection for marking consistency! Fitting the abbreviated connection into Instagram and voila! To get familiar with utilizing Google’s URL Manufacturer, look at the Total Guide here.

  • Try not to Stick to One URL

For what reason are individuals continually changing connections on Instagram? Since they help conquer any hindrance among transformation and social. Sending individuals to various items, greeting pages, and so forth are for the most part points of interest of always showing signs of changing your Instagram interface. News channels utilize the connection to send devotees to new articles they need to effectively advance. Web-based business organizations frequently change the connection to associate with the item they are posting about. Think about the connection as a CTA — your connection among commitment and return on initial capital investment.

  • Quit Saying “Official”!

Try not to say “official record” – it’s so crude. Instagram has the “confirmed” identification, so individuals definitely realize you are the official record of your image, no compelling reason to squander valuable bio space to explain it. Truly, anybody can profess to be the authority “Kim Kardashian” profile; however, we can all effectively make sense of which profile really has a place with her.

  • Utilize Your Area as a CTA

When distributing a picture on Instagram, you can modify the area. Whenever distributed, the area appears ok beneath your handle or more the picture you shared. While a few organizations like Jamboree Voyage and Airbnb would profit by really posting an area, different organizations, for example, Everlane don’t generally mind to list an area. Rather, they can utilize it as a CTA. Since you can physically type the area name without checking if the area exists, organizations can utilize that accessible advertising space as a CTA of sorts.

  • Try not to Mess with The Pictures You Offer

The pictures you share on Instagram help make brand involvement. Try not to trifle with this power. Each picture you offer and remark you distribute is helping you develop your organization marking. Ensure you keep the picture reliable with the brand brief you created. Starbucks works to the perfection of utilizing Instagram as an augmentation of their in-store understanding.

As advertisers, we are always endeavoring to cross over any barrier between internet-based life promoting and return for capital invested. I trust that a portion of these tips help you get one bit nearer while additionally helping you turn into a progressively successful Instagram advertiser.

With Instagram advertising developing rapidly, particularly for B2C organizations, it is amusing to discover approaches to completely use its maximum capacity. Glad Instagramming!


As a marketer, you seem to be striving for bridging the gulf between the ROI and the social media marketing endeavors. If you follow the above-discussed Instagram marketing tips, you could attain the aspired marketing goals and objectives.

Also, Read Pros of Embedding Instagram Feeds on Website

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